
Suspension Of Hanging

Sorry I've not been posting lately, folks: I've decided to give it a break for awhile. I'm getting a bit paranoid about a long-term injury. The crown jewels are fine, all working well, erections hard as iron; orgasms all right; still coming as usual.

As Habakuk has said, the law of diminishing returns applies. My balls won't stretch much more; perhaps think they're the perfect length now anyway, hanging below my cock when relaxed.

I'm still happy to answer queries and offer assistance through my email.

That said, never say never. You never know. Watch this space because I may post some photos.


Still At It

I don't hang every day now; I try to do it twice a week. I did one minute today. The skin, though now quite toughened, is nevertheless delicate.

I've just ordered a 30mm neoprene ball-stretcher from Fettered Pleasures on the web. Is there a technique to applying it? We shall see.

I've got a few messages from someone called Jane C. Jane, would you send me an email via the Contact Me section and I'll see what I can do!


90 Second Stretch

I performed a full 90-second scrotal suspension today; could have done two minutes, but I left it at that.

I'll be posting more videos soon from side angles.

I'm eager to hear from anyone at all, particularly girls! Why not get in touch?


Lowest Hangers In Belfast?

I think I'll restrict my stretching to twice weekly. I did one minute today. I aim to hang for at least two minutes, twice weekly.

I don't find scrotal suspension hard to perform now. No pain. My scrotum must be strong. It's hard to say how much further they'll actually stretch.

Are there any girls fascinated or curious about my hanging by the balls? Get in touch please.