
Four Minute Stretch

It's Boxing Day, I've had a large gin, and I have just achieved the longest stretch so far, beating my three and a half minute one: Four Minutes.

I hanged by the balls for a full four minutes. I could have stayed longer, but thought that was enough. Yes, I am presently tender as I write. Yes, I'll be chafed. That's why I shan't suspend till next Tuesday again.

Four minutes; that's not bad...

I've had an offer of a video production from Graham next year, when the British weather is conducive to such an activity! Why not? If you've got it, flaunt it as they say.


Scrotal Suspension

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Hanged bythe Balls Upstairs Now

I've managed it. It's so cold in the garage that I have moved the rope indoors and upstaits, to the landing. I have tied the rope to a sturdy (I hope!) rafter.

Ther's not as much space; but I can still suspend freely. I managed 3 minutes today, with chafing.

Did I mention that I was thinking of buying a Canon A480 camera with video facility - more GB so longer video; enough for three minutes and more!

Has anyone any thoughts on this?

Your low-hanging pal,



Message from Habakuk

It's great to hear from Habakuk again; so much so that I'm posting a message I received from him the other day. Here it is:-

Hey guys,

It has been some time you haven’t heard from me. Here is my update.

I have followed your exercises, and I am happy to note that we appear to be achieving about the same level of suspension. So forget the terms king, prince etc of suspension.

I am in full swing again, and I can now comfortably suspend for a prolonged time. I must take the time, I did not bother about that, but I should do so and report back. I have been more concerned getting my stretch back. I guess that once you can suspend 3 minutes you may just as well do 10 minutes. It is more a matter of will power, and my concern about getting to much blood pressure in the brain. I try to solve that problem by alternating between a straight upside down position and a horizontal position by stretching my legs out.

My focus has also been on maximum stretch. After a suspension session I often continue the stretch exercise with my 35 kg weight. I do that for some 15 minutes and swing it forward and back ward. It works well.

I am curios to hear from you guys what effect your suspensions have on your stretch, please let me know. Here are some of my statistics:

- I am 1.84 m (6’ 1/2”) tall

- My crotch is 0.84 (33”) above ground.

- At full stretch with force my balls are 0.55 m (21 5/8”) above ground about the same level as the top edge of my kneecap

- This is about 0.29 m (11 3/8”) below the crotch.

- When dangling freely, with ring, and good warm conditions, my balls dangle 0.63 m ( 2’ 13/16”)above the ground, or 0.21m (8 ¼”) below the crotch.
