
New Photos

As I said, it's very tricky to obtain pictures by myself. I cannot get far enough away to do it justice. Believe me, I am suspended by my balls on these two photos.

I'm nowhere close to the mighty Habakuk; I'm lighter than him, so my balls take about 123lbs of weight. I can manage it for almost a minute. It isn't the pain or my balls which prevent me from longer suspension, it is the effort of my stomach keeping me up!

Photo Difficulty

I brought along my inebriate friend, Vee, yesterday to take photos of me hanging by the balls. Big mistake. She was so sozzled that she couldn't even hold the camera properly; she staggered and fell to the ground!

I have a problem taking good photos. My camera has a self-timer, but it still needs to be at arm's length so it's impossible to get a full body pic. Nevertheless, I'll try again myself.

I'd prefer a female who's into low-hangers to take the photos; or an adult magazine. I'm open to offers...


Back In Action Again

Cordial apologies about the lengthy period of absence from my blog. I imagine you thought I'd been hanged - by the balls! The simple truth is that I just ceased blogging. I'm still practising ball-hanging; and it is improving.

I'll be publishing new pictures of myself hanging by my balls or, to give it a more technical term, scrotal suspension.

By the way, I welcome feedback from those who are interested. Please feel free to ask any questions - no matter how trivial. For instance, by balls still shrivel and contract like most men's when I am cold. It is a different story when they are "loose" of course.


Daily Routine

I'm stretching every day again; pain virtually gone. I will take photos as soon as I feel I'm ready. It shouldn't be too long now.


Scrotal Suspension Process

It's taken over a week to recover, but I'm back on track again; slowly but surely. My groin injury is almost gone and I'm gradually resuming scrotal suspension. I did a few seconds today, incomplete suspension but most of my weight.


Biding My Time

I believe I'm recovering from the "groin strain" incident last Thursday and I'm being patient. I'm going to try suspension again on Thursday.

I'm thinking ahead to an open-air session in the middle of a forest somewhere; I'll bring Virginia with me to take pictures.

Anyone got any bright ideas for an amateur photographer and ball-swinger about angles etc?


Still Tender

I tried the procedure yesterday afternoon and, after the slight mishap on Thursday, my body still isn't ready for ball-hanging. My groin is still sore and tender to the touch.

I think it would be wiser to wait and be patient till it recovers.


Close Call

I had a very close call yesterday. I was almost hanging by my balls and steadying myself with a stepladder when the ladder slipped away from my grip and I was left literally swinging by my balls. It took 5 or 6 seconds to get on my feet. That was a good stretching session! There was a bit of pain and my groin area is still a bit tender, so I'm going to give the suspension a miss for one day to let my balls recover.

Steady Progress

I managed almost 20 seconds of suspension today, despite a purple bruise on one inner thigh caused, I think, by the skin stretching. There's no pain at all now. I still steady myself with one hand on the stepladder.

My ball sac is definitely tougher, the skin thicker, so it can take the strain.

It's obviously a very gradual process. I must measure how far they stretch soon. Must be nearly 20 cm...


The WOW! Factor

One thing that motivates me to develop my genitals is the female WOW! factor when I'm on a naturist beach. I see their faces and reaction when they see my genitals. One couple passed me as I sunbathed on El Cotillo beach last november and the hubbie said: "You could swing from those". I wonder what he meant!

My penis is average length, about 6.25", but its girth is thick at 6". That's probably what impresses females most. And, of course, my balls aren't an inconsiderable size either!

Bespoke Suspension Device

At the moment I 'm simply using rope to hang from my balls. This way they're unevenly weighted to one side. I'd prefer something which distributes the weight evenly, something which Habakuk uses would be ideal, but I can't make it! Tricky one...


First Photograph

It's far from perfect and taken a few weeks ago; it's hard to turn the 10 second self-timer and get into position too. The hand on the rope is mainly to steady it and I need to lower the camera angle.


Is This Rare?

I'd be interested to know how many guys can swing from their balls; in particular, how many British guys can do it?

At present, I do it from a girder in the garage. Not ideal studio conditions or, better still, from a tree on a sunny day outdoors. I don't have the photographic equipment to do it justice. I have a basic Kodak digital camera with a tripod and ten second auto-timer. So I need to be quick.

Scrotal suspension isn't something you talk to your friends and family about. It's a niche market! Virginia will photograph me if I ask her.

Meantime, I will post some photos soon if any mags or publications globally are interested!


There are very few entries on the web about hanging by your balls. Call it what you like: hanging by the balls, swinging by the balls, scrotal suspension, scrotum suspension, ball hanging.

This blog is for people, males or females, who are curious, interested, fascinated, amazed or even stimulated by my ability to swing from my balls. You may wonder how long they get or what size they are; how far they stretch; if it is painful.

In the coming weeks I'm going to explain all. I intend to post photographs. I've been stretching my balls for years now. It is only within the last three months that I've been attepting to hang by them. I've almost achieved the goal. In fact I can do it, albeit for 5 seconds.

If you're interested, send me feedback please. I'm delighted to hear from girls.

I'm the Mingemasher. I'll tell you more about myself in the coming weeks.